As most sports watchers know, Undisputed and Skip Bayless opened up with a re-mixed show after Shannon Sharpe decided to take his talents elsewhere. They started on last Monday, August 28, and boy was that 1st show telling. So telling that it has me wondering, how long will Skip last with this bunch of characters? Let’s take a look.

Well the show started day one with all four of it’s co-hosts that will be appearing regularly. There was Keyshawn Johnson, Richard Sherman and Michael Irving, along with Skip. Man, that’s too many egos and long winded talkers on one show. Skip couldn’t even get a word in on the first day, ON HIS OWN SHOW.

Check this whole clip out. At the :45 second mark, watch how Skip starts exhaling because he can’t get a word in. Then, at the 1:14 mark of the clip, it happens again. He just blows a huge gust of wind in his cheeks and lets it out again in frustration.

Basically, you have three guys there that played the sport at the highest level and the only person that would be allowed to butt in was another person who played. This seemed to happen multiple times throughout the first couple of days that I tuned into the show. Luckily, the network started paring back the guests and would only have two of them on the show at a time or sometimes just one. That helped everyone to be more at ease and allowed Mr. Bayless to be one of the centerpieces again.

I actually don’t mind the show. Skip and Shannon got pretty boring after a while because you knew what they were going to talk about and which side they were going to take. Also, First Take gets boring too with Stephen A. and crew. This is a fresh look and it has gotten better as the days have gone on. As long as Michael Irving is not up there preaching, I can deal with it. But Keyshawn still gets on my nerves with his “know-it-all personality and don’t question me analysis” on subjects.

But I will keep tuning in, for now.